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  • Scholarship Information
  • Scholarship Information

    云顶集团大学同时提供奖学金和助学金. And you are automatically eligible for some scholarships just by applying to Goucher; no extra forms or essays. Browse the scholarships below for more information.  

    Merit Scholarships

    所有申请并附上正式高中成绩单的学生都将自动被录取 considered for merit scholarship if admitted.

    Test scores are not required for consideration. To maintain a scholarship, students must be in good academic standing. 他们是可续签的,奖励最多八个学期.

    Maryland Scholars

    作为马里兰学者,云顶集团教育是为符合条件的第一代提供的 历史上未被充分代表的马里兰州居民.


    Maryland Scholars

    Dance Scholarships

    我们的舞蹈奖学金是根据提交的舞蹈奖学金申请颁发的, 试镜(无论是亲自,录像,或在Dancewave)*, and the recommendation of the Dance faculty. All first-year applicants planning to major in dance are eligible to audition.

    这些年度奖学金从1,000美元到10,000美元不等,潜在价值总计 最高4000美元至40000美元,并在任何其他优秀奖学金的基础上颁发 for which the student qualifies. (奖学金不能与学费交换或学费减免福利结合使用 from Goucher College.) 

    舞蹈奖学金每年自动更新,只要学生保持 全日制舞蹈专业入学,学习成绩良好,毕业或 最多八个学期,以先到者为准.

    Audition Options – All First-Year Applicants

    舞蹈学院认为亲自与您见面是最有利的 audition. 它不仅为我们提供了一个与你见面的机会,也为你提供了一个与你见面的机会 和舞蹈系一起上课,和现在的云顶集团舞蹈家共进午餐, and touring the campus.

    我们当然明白,不可能每个人都能进入校园. 如果你不能参加校内试镜,我们提供视频提交选项.


    1. Apply to Goucher College by completing the Common Application by January 15, 2025.

    2. Complete the Dance Scholarship Application by January 15, 2025. (请注意:在舞蹈奖学金申请中,您将被要求确认 你的试镜类型:现场、视频或Dancewave.)

    3. Complete the Audition (无论是亲自,通过视频提交,还是在Dancewave)

    4. 所有参加试听的申请人将通过电子邮件与奖学金结果联系 late February.

    Colleges That Change Lives Scholarship

    这项校外奖学金由非营利组织“改变的大学”赞助 Lives (CTLC). 

    CTCL奖学金(每年1,000美元,最多可续期四年) 每名学生4,000美元的奖金将颁发给一年级新生,包括 选择参加ctcl成员的国际学生和无证学生 college or university.

    CTCL Scholarship Information

    Other Outside Scholarships


    云顶集团我们的外部奖学金页面获取外部奖学金的资源和信息 and how to report them to Goucher. 

    Outside Scholarships


    Employment-Based Tuition Benefits

    Tuition Exchange

    云顶集团参加了两个学费交换项目: Tuition Exchange (TE) and Council of Independent Colleges (CIC-TEP).


    申请人的父母在学费交换成员机构工作 获得该院校认证,是否有资格申请交换奖学金. 如欲确认申请资格,请联络家长雇主的联络主任 institution.


    申请TE或CIC-TEP奖学金,需提交入学申请,并提交一份申请材料 学费交换奖学金申请,以及联邦学生免费申请 援助(FAFSA)应不迟于提前行动(11月15日)或常规提交 decision (January 15) deadlines. Late applications will not be considered.

    Scholarship Value

    奖学金金额根据学费交换奖学金的类型而有所不同 an applicant has applied:

    • Tuition Exchange (TE): 云顶集团每年使用由TE董事会制定的固定费率.
    • Council of Independent Colleges (CIC-TEP): CIC-TEP is a full tuition scholarship. The current tuition rate can be found on our website.

    如果您对云顶集团的学费交换过程有疑问,请联系克里斯托弗 Wild, Director of Enrollment Systems & Operations, Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer, via email at christopher.wild@w3ealthcreator.com.

    Tuition Remission (Undergraduate Study)

    云顶集团为符合条件的员工及其家属提供学费减免(TR)福利 dependents.


    所有合资格的全职雇员均可自行申请学费减免 以及为其配偶和/或其受抚养子女支付本科课程. 合资格的兼职雇员有资格申请学费减免 for undergraduate courses for themselves. Dependent children of part-time staff are excluded.

    有关资格的更多信息,请参阅学费减免,退款, and Exchange Policy on the policies section of the website.


    To be considered for Tuition Remission, an application for admission and the Intent to Apply for Tuition Remission 应不迟于提前行动(11月15日)或常规决定提交 秋季入学截止日期(1月15日)和常规录取截止日期(12月1日) for spring admission.

    Scholarship Value

    Tuition Remission is a full tuition scholarship. The current tuition rate can be found on our website. 合格的全职雇员,合格的兼职雇员,或受抚养人(配偶) (或受抚养子女)负责支付所有其他费用,包括所有强制性费用 学费和非学费相关的费用,如食宿费.

    如果您对云顶集团的学费减免过程有疑问,请联系 Office of Human Resources.